Monday, April 2, 2012


Some time has passed since I have written a post. During this time I have  been searching for new information, new meaning to life, new meaning to all there is on earth for us. In the past, I identified myself as a mother more than anything else. I think that phase of life is still here, but I no longer identify myself just as mother, there is more to me. There is ME and my concept beyond motherhood, my spirituality, connection to people, my enjoyment of life, enjoyment of nature, and I a new found tolerance for difference between people and myself. It is a work in progress to live a life less judgmental, less attached to things to make me feel happy and the acceptance of each moment in life. Hard things to do... and that is all for now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Beautiful is my little girl's name. I believe that a name, I mean a first name is very important and worth to take your time to name your kids. A name can help with our self-esteem, way people see you. Actually, my little girls name is Beya, the pronunciation in spanish language means Beautiful. She is becaming such a beautiful girl in all aspects. She is such a Beauty.

Friday, February 22, 2008

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by cruz_aleyda
My little girls are the most beautiful creatures in the Universe and I love taking pictures of them.

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by cruz_aleyda
girls at the park

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

These beutifull pictures were taken at princesa's garden.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Donde se encuentran amigos?

Yo creo que los amigos son la luz que nos ayudan en el camino, cuando tenemos dificultades o simplemente necesitamos conversar hacerca de la rutina diaria; Los amigos de verdad siempre estan alli.
Creo que es muy interesante que la gente siempre ponen requisitos o expectationes ya sea raza, fisico, educacion o clase antes de considerar amistad con otra persona. Pero en este mundo no es facil encontrar amigos y con todas las barreras que ponemos todavia se nos hace mas dificil. A nadie le gusta estar solo y es por eso que las personas necesitan ser parte de algun grupo social ya sea en el trabajo, religioso etc. Pero en caso que deseas encontrar un amigo de verdad, esto es lo que yo he encontrado en el transcurso de mi vida: Los amigos se encuentran en personas que nos sorprenden cuandon menos esperamos,son esos amigos que vienen a ser como una joya encontrado debajo de una roca. Por supuesto que en la amistad como en el matrimonio tenemos que ofrecer nuestra atencion sin interes y condiciones; caminar la extra milla es importante; Los buenos amigos son como plantas que crecen para darte sombra y si los riegas algun dia te sorprenderan asi como una flor.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

Family is very important to me; I have the desire to love and be loved; this may sound ridiculous to some people but not to me. It makes me feel happy to be part of a family that takes care and helps each other when in need. I, in particular, like to help my family - and any person in need; I find fulfillment in making them feel happy. I know there is no perfect family, but it doesn't have to be; if there is love and caring that's what matters. Some people have never experienced the feeling of being part of a family. I hope they have a chance to find it and enjoy it. My family lives miles and miles away and I don't get to see them very often, but I know without a doubt they love me. My parents have 3 sons and 8 daughters including me. I miss them so much on holidays, but I always feel part of them even from far away. However, My husband's family lives close by and I have my own family, which is very special; we all love each other deeply and my husband is very sweet and caring; our babies are very happy and beautiful.